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A statement from Ben Coumerilh about the passing of our cofounder, Richard Sparrow

Written by Ben Coumerilh | Jun 21, 2023 3:35:42 PM

To the Goodland Tech Family,

It is with an incredibly heavy heart that I am writing to inform you of the passing of my cofounder, Richard Sparrow.  He succumbed Monday night to injuries from an accident that happened last week at his home in Puerto Rico.  

The right words are impossible at a time like this, but more than losing a business partner, I've lost a friend and brother-in-law.  And Richard's wife and two young children have lost a man who was at the center of their world--a dedicated husband and father who has been taken from them far too soon.  Life can be cruel and unfair.  Please join me in praying for his family, and pray that they will find a way, in time, to carry on and find hope following this greatest possible tragedy.

Richard also meant a great deal to Goodland Tech, and there's no way for me to do justice to that.  But I would be remiss if I didn't point out what Goodland Tech meant to him.  Yes, it is a business, but it was far more than that to him.  Richard believed in opportunity, he believed in the Heartland where he grew up, and he believed that people and communities could achieve incredible things if just given the chance.  These weren't marketing slogans, but rather, deeply held beliefs.  Throughout his career, Richard worked for some large and impressive companies, but we founded Goodland Tech because he was passionate about transforming the lives of people and communities.  And as tragic as his death is, I know that he would view Goodland Tech as a piece of his legacy: proof that lives can be changed with hard work, creativity, and dedication. Goodland Tech will continue to fulfill that dream.

The company will communicate more in due time, but for now we will honor him in silence, celebrate the time we were able to spend with him, and pray for his grieving family. 


Ben Coumerilh